Medium Gold Nuggets

Gold Nugget Man proudly offers these fascinating and beautiful gold nuggets
ranging in weight from approximately two and half to seven grams.
Not only are these pieces eye-catching, but Gold Nugget Man's descriptions are unforgettable!
Medium Gold Nugget gnm488
2.620 Grams Quite crystalline in overall appearance, this gorgeous gold..
Medium Gold Nugget gnm487
2.465 Grams You see here a story of primal conflict! A conflict between a ..
Medium Gold Nugget gnm482
2.564 Grams This nugget of over two-and one-half grams seems to throw back to..
Gold and Quartz Specimen gnmda430
gnmda430 2.42 Grams This specimen is a black iron-in-quartz beauty! &n..
3.26 Grams A contortionist, usually an entertainer, assumes strange positions - to ..
2.88 Grams Here's a highly prized nugget, and an exceptional jewel! It's one of tho..