2.94 Grams - 2 Pieces  1.14 grams; 1.80 grams      

These two nicely matched and completely stunning gold nuggets make a metal detector scream and put adrenaline pumps into overdrive!

  I know, 'cause I was there!  That's how it was with the sun at it's zenith and dust devils dancing.  What a wonderful way to enjoy a day!
 And just imagine, somewhere well below the earth's weather worn crust, a very long time ago, hydro-thermally charged atoms of Au blasted toward the surface of terra firma  -  detouring into a pocket where they obviously did collide and did solidify to form two of the classiest gold nuggets that any searcher could hope to find. 
What a rush!   We're so glad we can offer them to you at this time.

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  • Product Code: gnmcol189
  • Weight: 2.94 Gram
  • Availability: 1
  • $235.20