12.64 Grams     This beautiful gold nugget is sold!    

The Dancing Mushroom      
 See the backstory here and now!   
Handle with care is the rule here -    
along with savor and enjoy.
  Why??  Because this is a landmark piece!
 A highly unusual and truly exquisite gold nugget just under three grams away from a half ounce. We call it the Dancing Mushroom because it is so reminiscent of the
highly animated toadstool-like lovable characters in a
very famous, nearly 80 year old American fairy tale movie.Walt Disney's "Fantasia" is a wondrous production, very much ahead of its time -with blended animated imagery and classical music originally chosen to enhance the career of the beloved iconic Mickey Mouse. "Fantasia" blossomed into a full-blown feature movie that is unique in the history of animation - quite technically advanced for its time.  "The Dance of the Mushrooms" was and is an artful and celebrated feature of that most cherished production.  In that segment, the mushrooms danced and performed to Tchaikovsky's immortal
"Nutcracker Suite".
  I saw it at kindergarten age at the drive-in picture show with my parents and remember it well! 
Over half a century has gone by....
I also dearly remember that gigantic double-bagged,
 mountainous portion of
out of this world
 homemade, salty buttered popcorn
we had and the big buttery, greasy spots that decorated that monstrous brown paper bag.  The best popcorn of my life! I can still smell and taste it even now...  If you've never seen "Fantasia", you certainly should.  Watch it with the children in your life.  Everyone, including all children, should see it for its beauty, its quality  and its captivating values.  It's a true treasure and absolutely enthralling entertainment.
This "Dancing Mushroom" of extremely rich gold is almost two separate nuggets which are connected by one small golden bridge about 1/8 of an inch wide so we certainly consider it fragile.  Entertaining, while extremely rare, this is a most intriquing and heavy gold nugget.  The texture is unexpectedly pleasing.  You'll wonder, as we have, how this kind of thing is possible,  Well, who are we to question God's work?? 
The job of all of us is to just enjoy and appreciate.
  That's what we've done since the day we found it, and we're so glad to be able to share this amazing discovery
with you at this time.  ​​

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Large Gold Nugget "The Dancing Mushroom" gnm277

  • Product Code: gnm277
  • Weight: 12.64 Gram
  • Availability: Out Of Stock
  • $1,112.32