3.1 Grams  1.53 Grams and 1.57 Grams   


Here’s a couple of real cuties!      

Two golden asteroids of the tectonic   

earth-born and earth-bound type!    

  Gifted to us by nature itself, accompanied by much adventurous effort on our part.  Ya’ know, an asteroid is sometimes said to be a minor planet of the inner solar system.  Well, these are certainly of this inner solar system.  While they’re not orbital, they are certainly significant enough to be referred to as representative of two pudgy golden planets!

 In fact, we could name them Roly and Poly.  We talk about some nuggets being “lunar shaped” and these certainly are.  That kind of makes them little planets or better yet – little golden moons!  With wondrously sweet textures that demand personal handling, these two stout pieces of gold are worthy of all the attention you can give to them.

  They are fine examples of what kindles that part of the human spirit referred to for hundreds of years now as gold fever.

  Gold nuggets of this type

have more power than you might think!

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  • Product Code: gnm337
  • Weight: 3.1 Gram
  • Availability: 1
  • $365.80