1.82 Grams     


“Laced with Love”    

A very apt description for this most opulent golden specimen!

  That’s because it is so tastefully laced over the length of its long, elegant body with lush white to lite gray splendid quartz samplings.  The gold and quartz have been lovingly conjoined by nature, so that the rich golden Au and crystal-like sio4 (scientific name) quartz combine here to form a most swanky precious, irreplaceable gold nugget of lovish quality.  “Lovish” means to display the characteristic of love.  That’s certainly the case here as the powerful loving bond brought on by the forces of nature are surely represented thru the very existence of this resplendent gold and quartz specimen nugget.  The bulk of this piece is dominated by some of the finest natural gold you’ll ever witness.

 Nevada surrenders a bit of its very best to us in this nearly two gram piece of rarity!

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  • Product Code: gnm341
  • Weight: 1.82 Gram
  • Availability: Out Of Stock
  • $185.64